Self-Help Group Activities & Bank Linkage program

The program is facilitating the social and economic empowerment of women by supporting SHGs in Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur, chengalpattu, Chennai and Ranipet districts. It gives training and group formation guidance for strengthening and capacity building of SHGs in the above project areas, regular meetings of the SHGs, savings and lending are an important part of this Empowerment. The training to women self-help groups include membership training, animators and representative training and EDP training for income generation activities. Before the formation of SHGs the local staff were trained on mobilizing the people to form SHGs. It may be noted that the beneficiaries selected belong to the poorest of the poor section of the society.
Initiation of savings and credit activities and promotion of income generating programs to reduce household poverty among families.
The formation of these self help groups will facilitate discussion of many issues. Pertaining to their socio-economic, educational and health status. Thus, the formation of this group provides a forum to initiate many participatory activities among groups.
Total No. of Women SHG’s Formed by WEEDS: 1400+
Total No.of active Women members : 14,000 (12-15 members Present in a group)